Secara realitinya, semua orang boleh berjaya jika mereka bertekad betul-betul mahukannya. Termasuklah untuk kurus!
Kurus bukan sekadar untuk nampak cantik, tetapi juga demi menjaga kesihatan. Nah, kali ini kami kongsikan pula kisah Farah yang berjaya membuang sebanyak 20KG lemak dalam masa setahun lebih! friends and family keep asking for tips kurus. Mostly those old friends who havent seen me in ages or family yang jarang jumpa. For those who had known me since sekolah rendah sampai sekolah menengah, yes, i am wayyy more thinner now if being compared to back then . But i’m still struggling like crazy here to shed those saki baki fats ! And for those who only knows me now, yang never seen “the old me” would never call me kurus, yes? So when people ask for tips kurus haih ya ampun malunya cause tak kurus mana pun!. But still, i am, yeah, proud of myself to successfully shed 20 kgs in a year and a half I guess? (Without any helps of supplements or surgery or whatsoever) So here’s how i shed those 20kgs :
1)No air manis (in any form is prohibited)
2)No air sejuk
3) No bad carbs (roti, biskut, kek, doughnuts, gula gula, fast food u name it)
4) Plain water 2L everyday
5) No food after 7pm
6) Setiap kali nak makan, divide your plate into 4 portions. Use small plate. 1/4 for nasi, 1/4 for protein (ayam, ikan) red meat n seafood takpayahlah. Strictly ambil lauk sahaja no kuah. Another 2/4 sayur. Sayur masak air ke goreng minyak sikit ke takde sayur masak lemak ke apa.
7) Minum air 30 minutes before and after eating. Jangan terus minum. Tercekik ke pedas ke tahan.
Makan buah before makan
8) Tapi buah pun kena limit cause ada carbs.
9) Every week spend A DAY for cheat day. Eat what u want on this day. Puaskan cravings. Then minum detox tea (i drink Clenx Tea) Kalau boleh cheat day biar hari jumaat or hari yang esoknya u have nothing to do, takde nak pegi jalan ke pegi class ke cause the detox tea will reaaaaally do its thing. Ready jelah berkampung kat toilet.
10) Bangun awal pagi. Mandi before subuh. Jangan terus mandi lepas makan.
11) Jaga tidur
12) And rajin rajin google what kind of diet suits you. Jsyk, I tried Atkins for two months.
Hah dah. Tu je kot. Tahan ke? I sendiri pun dah menyasar jauh dah ni. Gotta discipline myself balik
2)No air sejuk
3) No bad carbs (roti, biskut, kek, doughnuts, gula gula, fast food u name it)
4) Plain water 2L everyday
5) No food after 7pm
6) Setiap kali nak makan, divide your plate into 4 portions. Use small plate. 1/4 for nasi, 1/4 for protein (ayam, ikan) red meat n seafood takpayahlah. Strictly ambil lauk sahaja no kuah. Another 2/4 sayur. Sayur masak air ke goreng minyak sikit ke takde sayur masak lemak ke apa.
7) Minum air 30 minutes before and after eating. Jangan terus minum. Tercekik ke pedas ke tahan.
Makan buah before makan
8) Tapi buah pun kena limit cause ada carbs.
9) Every week spend A DAY for cheat day. Eat what u want on this day. Puaskan cravings. Then minum detox tea (i drink Clenx Tea) Kalau boleh cheat day biar hari jumaat or hari yang esoknya u have nothing to do, takde nak pegi jalan ke pegi class ke cause the detox tea will reaaaaally do its thing. Ready jelah berkampung kat toilet.
10) Bangun awal pagi. Mandi before subuh. Jangan terus mandi lepas makan.
11) Jaga tidur
12) And rajin rajin google what kind of diet suits you. Jsyk, I tried Atkins for two months.
Hah dah. Tu je kot. Tahan ke? I sendiri pun dah menyasar jauh dah ni. Gotta discipline myself balik
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